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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #107665: How to make wishes...
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    How to make wishes...


    1 : A wishbone => Etymology: 17th Century: from the custom of two people breaking apart the bone of a chicken breast) after eating: the person with the longer part makes a wish.

    1) To wish is used in different phrases to express 'desires' and achievable wishes.

    ex : I wish you a Happy New Year.

    ex : He was given everything he could wish for ...

    * We can also express wishes with the use of the 'conditional'

    ex : I wish it wouldn't rain when we go for a walk.

    ex : I wish you would stop making fun of people. 


    If the subject is a person, 'would' is used when the realisation of the action depends on the willpower of the person;  

    if not = I wish he could give an answer to this question.

    It is also possible to use a modal preterite which insists on the unreal aspect of the situation

    ex : I wish my children worked more at school. = if only my children worked more.

    2) We can also express wishes  thanks to the verb 'to like' in the contitional. 

    ex : I would like Peace and Freedom to be realities in the whole world...

    3) In order to express  a wish, the verb 'to hope' is sometimes used and has several constructions:  

    ex : I hope he will understand what he has done to you. 

    ex : Let's hope nothing serious will happen...

    ex : I hope to find the solution to help you!

    4) The subjunctive also expresses wishes and desires  in a formal language

    ex : God save the Queen!

    ex : May you be happy!

    There are also set expressions and literary structures :

    ex : Work with a will, happen what may!


    If colloquial English is spoken, the imperative is commonly used:

    ex : Enjoy yourself! ; 'Open up!'; 'Be happy!'


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    - 'Err...Tom! I really very early tomorrow morning… We have to go to the dentist’s you know...'
    - 'Oh Mom, I such early appointments! and I late, as usual... I know he will, he always is!'
    -'Sorry, son, but an appointment, but couldn't! It'll be 'first come, first served'... and the sooner we arrive, the quicker it'll be finished, and the sooner you'll be free!'
    - 'Oh dear! Hours of waiting, and trembling, I suppose… I more thoughtful when dealing with my teeth and my horror of dentists...' I plastic ones...'
    -'Come on, don’t be stupid, boy, I grumbling, for once. to behave like a young man, this time... not like a baby... ' and I wait... I suppose home by noon to meet your friends as expected...
    Alright, I’ll wake you up at seven sharp then... and I really ready quickly !
    Alright; Mom ! at seven, and I’ll be quick... ' with me', then !

    End of the free exercise to learn English: How to make wishes...
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Conditional and hypothesis | Opinions | Suggesting | All our lessons and exercises