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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #111223: Metabolism of glucose: Glycolysis
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    Metabolism of glucose: Glycolysis

    Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway converting glucose to pyruvate. It takes place in a cellular compartment called the cytoplasm. This pathway is highly regulated and the muscle can, within a fraction of seconds, increase its activity hundred-fold.

    Its yield in terms of ATP residues is rather small (on the average 2 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose) and glycogen, the polymer of glucose stored in our cells, is rapidly exhausted.

    This metabolic pathway also releases protons and the drop of intracellular pH provoked by this increase of protons (acidosis) blocks phosphofructokinase-1, a key enzyme in the regulation of the pathway.

    The inhibition of this enzyme stops the whole pathway and the muscle has no available substrate to perform its work. This accounts for the muscular pain (cramps) when the effort is going on and when the muscles are further solicited.

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    1. is the pathway converting glucose to pyruvate.

    2. Glycolysis is an pathway.

    3. Glycolysis takes place in the .

    4. During exercise, muscles can the production of pyruvate from lactate.

    5. Muscles use glycolysis to produce .

    6. During exercise, glycolysis releases .

    7. is a drop of pH.

    8. The of protons provokes a drop of pH.

    9. The intracellular acidosis occuring during muscular exercise glycolysis.

    10. are secondary to intracellular muscular acidosis.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Metabolism of glucose: Glycolysis
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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