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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #2016: Cinderella 2 - Help me!
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    Cinderella 2 - Help me!

    Cinderella 2 - Help me!

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    English exercise "Cinderella 2 - Help me!" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. The man was afraid (by) his new wife. He said to his daughter:

    2. 'I know you are a good girl. (Be - impér.) kind to your new mother and sisters.'

    3. 'Yes, Father,' she answered. But the two ugly sisters hated the man (génitif) daughter

    4. (Mot de liaison annonçant une cause) she was beautiful and good.

    5. 'You can (slept) in that little room at the top of the house,' said Prudence.

    6. 'And you must do all the work. Give (my) your nice clothes. Here -

    7. you can (where) this old dress. And give me your nice shoes.

    8. You (aux. nég.du présent) need new shoes.'

    9. 'Yes,' said Charlotte, start working now! This house is (y r d i t) . Clean it!'

    10. So, every day the beautiful kind girl (works) hard.

    11. She cleaned the house. She washed (coordination) cooked.

    12. In the evenings she was (adv. -2 lettres- accentuant la valeur de l'adjectif) tired

    13. that she sat down in the kitchen. She always (sits- sat- is-) close to the fire and

    14. her dress and feet got dirty. And so, the ugly sisters began to call her... ' '...

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Cinderella 2 - Help me!
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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