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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #64228: Jobs
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Jobs [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: let's stay in a hotel - Jobs - Jobs-Vocabulary - At the police station - Vocabulary: let's go to the shops - The Postman / The Mail Rail - At school: teaching equipment - Vocabulary: Customer Service
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    English exercise "Jobs" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. He teaches a lot of things to students. He is the .

    2. He makes tableaux with paint. This is the .

    3. He changes and repairs locks. This is the .

    4. He sells houses and properties; he is the .

    5. He cuts and sells meat ; he is the .

    6. He makes people laugh and generally works in a circus. This is the .

    7. He treats animals, we can say that he is a doctor for animals. He is the .

    8. His work consists in forging iron. This is the .

    9. He tries to solve murders, Sherlock Holmes is the most famous one.This is the .

    10. He cuts wood with a saw or an ax. This is the .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Jobs
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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