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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #68911: Business idioms
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    Business idioms

    Read the sad story of Bobby Brown. Then match the idioms in sentences 1-11 with their meanings.

    Bobby Brown was on the ball, he had a good track record and he usually played his cards right, but success went to his head, he began to lose his touch, he was always up to his eyes in work, he started trying to pass the buck and then he put his foot in it. The boss gave him a piece of his mind, nobody put him in the picture any more and in the end he was fired.

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    English exercise "Business idioms" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Bobby Brown was on the ball

    2. He had a good track record

    3. And he usually played his cards right

    4. But success went to his head

    5. He began to lose his touch

    6. He was always up to his eyes in work

    7. He started trying to pass the buck

    8. And then he put his foot in it

    9. The boss gave him a piece of his mind

    10. Nobody put him in the picture any more

    11. And in the end he was fired

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Business idioms
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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