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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #71142: Astronomy
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    English exercise "Astronomy" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Astronomy is one of the sciences.

    2. It with the scientific study of stars, planets or comets for example.

    3. As a matter of fact, it is about the study of you can find in the sky, except birds and planes!

    4. To observe and study these objects, you need a good telescope and must be to spend many a night out of your bed.

    5. Do not confuse astronomy with astrology, which is supposed to let you know in advance what fortune has kept in for you.

    6. Amateur astronomers try to to science when they observe planets or stars.

    7. to what many people believe, stars and planets are not the same objects at all.

    8. Planets only reflect the light emitted by the sun while stars emit a light of their own. Therefore, planets don't like stars.

    9. The best spots to observe the universe are far-away places, often located at very high .

    10. Planets often the names of ancient Roman or Greek gods or goddesses: Jupiter, Mars or Venus for instance.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Astronomy
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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