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    Bac/ Idée de progrès

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Bac/ Idée de progrès
    Message de leavar posté le 26-04-2015 à 18:51:18 (S | E | F)
    pourriez-vous m'aider au niveau de l'orthographe et de la conjugaison de mon texte s'il vous plait?
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress.The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contibues to making the world a better place but in my notion i prefere to speak of the medical progress and more precisely the eugenics but also the social progress with the women.
    What are the two mains progress in the United states ?
    So, firstly we will see the point positive in the eugenics progress and in the secondly we will see the equality of the women and the man

    The eugenics is By definition the belief into the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species, in selecting genes to create a perfect man. Study of human improvement by genetic means. The American Eugenics society, founded in 1926, supported Galton’s theories. U.S eugenicist also supported restriction on immigration from nations with inferior stock,such as italy,greece, and countries of eastern europe, and argued for the sterilization of insane,retarded and epileptic citizen.But the medical progress have all point negative. For example in class we have talks about Brave New world written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley. In this film the director is leading a group on a tour of the facilities. He presents it like a production factory and introduces his new scientific breakthrough to the newly arrived students. He seems very powerful and proud of what he has succeeded in creting. He is convinced that he is serving a great cause and no one dares doubt him. This mass production of human beings is obviously leading to uniformity and the release of clones that are considered a product deprived of individuality. The fertilizers obey the director who manipulates life and treats human beings like slaves or robots, seeing them only as a potential, cheap labour force.
    On the one hand, it helps improve the quality of the embryos. On the other hand, it also wipes out all identity and creates impersonal and dehumanized people who are all similar to each other. Sciences bows down to the wish for a perfect human being, but to some extent, we should remain critical of scientific progress, as it can also crush all forms of diversity. In a way, although science can be a benefit, it can also prove to be a burden.
    So the medical progress was important but they can many drift.

    Before the women was victim that the discrimination than the men. This discrimination was always present in the different field. There is in the work place, in the politics, or at home. For illustrate this discrimination in class we can studing on the film Made in Dagenham, this film is about the working class women who organize a strike in oder to get an equal paid and this action led to the advant of the equal paid act. The women was determinate to obtain the equality.
    Whilst inequality between men and women continues today in the UK, it’s incomparable to the scale elsewhere in the world. For lower this inequality the government put in place many laws for example The right to be safe from domestic violence because 10 and 69 per cent of the women report abuse by their intimitate partnaire and the women are the focus of many rape who destroy their life, The right to have quality maternal health care because 536 000women die of pregnecy-related,The right to equal pay because a women who work like a man must be pay like him,The right to education because 776 millions illiterates are women and the right to hold public office because only 19 per cent of members of parliament accros the world are women.
    So the dicrimination was more important than before.

    In conclusion we can say that the two major progress in the united states it’s located on the medical field with the eugenism but also in the social field with the equatity between men and women which evolved more.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 26-04-2015 18:56

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de leavar, postée le 27-04-2015 à 18:53:31 (S | E)
    Est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider s'il vous plait:?

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2015 16:28

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de gerondif, postée le 28-04-2015 à 16:21:45 (S | E)
    même chose que dans les autres textes, votre partie personnelle est à revoir, soit qu'elle provienne d'un traducteur remanié(their intimitate partnaire) où les erreurs de français font que le mot reste tel quel dans la traduction, ou alors on retrouve les erreurs vues dans les deux premiers textes.

    I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress.The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contibues to making the world a better place but in my notion i prefere to speak of the medical progress and more precisely the eugenics but also the social progress with the women.
    What are the two mains progress(main, adjectif est invariable, par contre progress n'a pas de pluriel, donc ne va pas) in the United states ?
    So, firstly we will see the point positive(français traduit, ordre des mots) in the eugenics progress and in the secondly (ne se dit pas)we will see the equality of the women and the man(Il faut plusieurs femmes (women) pour qu'elles soient égales à un seul homme (man)? Je crains pour votre survie!)

    The eugenics is By definition the belief into the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species, in selecting genes to create a perfect man.(phrase sans verbe, je pense qu'il fallait une virgule) Study of human improvement by genetic means. The American Eugenics society, founded in 1926, supported Galton’s theories. U.S eugenicist also supported restriction on immigration from nations with inferior stock,such as italy,greece, and countries of eastern europe, and argued for the sterilization of insane,retarded and epileptic citizens.But the medical progress have all point negative.(sens? ordre des mots. verbe mal accordé) For example in class we have talks(mettez plutôt un prétérit) about Brave New world written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley. In this film(oui mais 2 secondes avant, vous parliez du livre, pas du film!!) the director is leading a group on a tour of the facilities. He presents it like a production factory and introduces his new scientific breakthrough to the newly arrived students. He seems very powerful and proud of what he has succeeded in creating. He is convinced that he is serving a great cause and no one dares doubt him. This mass production of human beings is obviously leading to uniformity and the release of clones that are considered a product deprived of individuality. The fertilizers obey the director who manipulates life and treats human beings like slaves or robots, seeing them only as a potential, cheap labour force.(je trouve que le résumé du film fait un peu "remplissage" )
    On the one hand, it helps improve the quality of the embryos. On the other hand, it also wipes out all identity and creates impersonal and dehumanized people who are all similar to each other. Sciences bows down to the wish for a perfect human being, but to some extent, we should remain critical of scientific progress, as it can also crush all forms of diversity. In a way, although science can be a benefit, it can also prove to be a burden. (ok, bonne partie sans erreurs qui vient de votre cours)
    So the medical progress was important but they can many drift.(ils peuvent de nombreux dériver)

    Before: the women was(verbe au pluriel derrière womEN) victims that the discrimination than (pour qu'il y ait un than, il faut un comparatif avant, plus victimes que) the men. This discrimination was always present in the different field(pluriel). There is(pas de sens sans complément, et il devrait être au prétérit) in the work place, in the politics, or at home. For(voir cours sur "pour") illustrate this discrimination in class we can studing(nous pouvons en train d'étudier? horreur! Mettez study au prétérit) on the film Made in Dagenham, this film is about the working class women who organize a strike in order to get an equal paid(il faut le nom, pas le participe passé) and this action led to the advant of the equal paid act. The women was (pluriel!!)determinate to obtain the equality.
    Whilst inequality between men and women continues today in the UK, it’s incomparable to (mal employé)the scale elsewhere in the world. For(voir cours sur "pour") lower this inequality, the government put in place many laws for example:
    - The right to be safe from domestic violence because 10 and 69(ne veut rien dire) per cent of the women report abuse by their intimitate partnaire and the women are the focus of many rape(pluriel derrière rape, quant-à en être le "focus", mieux vaudrait le dire autrement) who destroy their life(pluriel),
    - The right to have quality maternal health care because 536 000 women die of pregnecy-related ****(manque un nom derrière cet adjectif),
    - The right to equal pay because a women(a man 2 men, a woman 2 women a child 2 children, les trois premiers pluriels irréguliers vus en sixième!) who work(le S) like a man must be pay (participe passé)like him,
    - The right to education because 776 millions(adjectif invariable) illiterates are women and
    - the right to hold public office because only 19 per cent of members of parliament across the world are women.
    So the dicrimination was(pourquoi mettre cette phrase au passé ? Elle n'a plus de sens alors) more important than before.

    In conclusion we can say that the two major progress(ce mot n'a pas de pluriel, on ne peut pas le multiplier par deux) in the united states it(en trop)’s located on the medical field with the eugenism but also in the social field with the equality between men and women which evolved more. (Conclusion peu convaincante)

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de leavar, postée le 29-04-2015 à 09:55:37 (S | E)
    Merci pour votre réponse

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de leavar, postée le 30-04-2015 à 15:44:47 (S | E)
    Bonjour, pouvez-vous me dire si la correction est correct s'il vous plait?

    I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress.The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contibues to making the world a better place but in my notion I prefer to speak of the medical progress and more precisely eugenics but also the social progress with women.
    What are the two advancements in the United states ?
    So, firstly we will see the positive and negative point in the eugenics progress and secondly we will see the equality women and men.

    Eugenics, is by definition the belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species, in selecting genes to create a perfect man. Study of human improvement by genetic means. The American Eugenics society, founded in 1926, supported Galton’s theories. U.S eugenicist also supported restriction on immigration from nations with inferior stock,such as Italy, Greece, and countries of eastern Europe, and argued for the sterilization of insane,retarded and epileptic citizens. But medical progress had all negative point. For example in class we had talked about Brave New world written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley, this book was adapted into a movie. In this movie the director is leading a group on a tour of the facilities. He presents it like a production factory and introduces his new scientific breakthrough to the newly arrived students. He seems proud of what he has succeeded in creating. He is convinced that he is serving a great cause and no one dares doubt him. This mass production of human beings is obviously leading to uniformity and the release of clones that are considered a product deprived of individuality. The fertilizers obey the director who manipulates life and treats human beings like slaves or robots, seeing them only as a potential, cheap labour force.
    On the one hand, it helps improve the quality of the embryos. On the other hand, it also wipes out all identity and creates impersonal and dehumanized people who are all similar to each other. Sciences bows down to the wish for a perfect human being, but to some extent, we should remain critical of scientific progress, as it can also crush all forms of diversity. In a way, although science can be a benefit, it can also prove to be a burden.
    So medical progress was important but he has many drift.

    Before a women were victims of discrimination by the men. This discrimination was always present in the different fields. There was discriminated in the work place, in politics, or at home. To illustrate this discrimination in class we had studied the film Made in Dagenham, this film is about the working class women who organize a strike in order to get an equal pay and this action led to the advancement of the equal paid act. The women were determined to obtain the equality.
    Whilst inequality between men and women continues today in the UK, it’s incomparable to the scale elsewhere in the world. To lower this inequality the government put in place many laws for example The right to be safe from domestic violence because there are many women report abuse by their intimate partner and women are the focus of many rapes who destroy their lives, The right to have quality maternal health care because 536 000 women die of pregnecy-related complications ,The right to equal pay because women who works like a man must be paid like him,The right to education because 776 million illiterates are women and the right to hold public office because only 19 per cent of members of parliament accross the world are women.
    So dicrimination is more important than before.

    In conclusion we can say that the two major advancement in the United States’s located in the medical field with eugenism but also in the social field with the equatity between men and women which evolved more because thanks to them the United States of America have known a progress both in the medical field or in the social field

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de gerondif, postée le 30-04-2015 à 17:18:35 (S | E)
    I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress.The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contibues to making the world a better place but in my notion I prefer to speak of the medical progress and more precisely eugenics but also the social progress with women.
    What are the two advancements in the United states ?
    So, firstly we will see the positive and negative points in the eugenics progress and secondly we will see the equality between women and men.

    Eugenics, is by definition the belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species, in selecting genes to create a perfect man. The Study of human improvement by genetic means (suite de la phrase ??). The American Eugenics society, founded in 1926, supported Galton’s theories. U.S eugenicist also supported restriction on immigration from nations with inferior stock,such as Italy, Greece, and countries of eastern Europe, and argued for the sterilization of insane,retarded and epileptic citizens. But medical progress had all(beaucoup de?) negative points. For example in class we had talked about Brave New world written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley, this book was adapted into a movie. In this movie the director is leading a group on a tour of the facilities. He presents it like (like ou as, en tant que) a production factory and introduces his new scientific breakthrough to the newly arrived students. He seems proud of what he has succeeded in creating. He is convinced that he is serving a great cause and no one dares doubt him. This mass production of human beings is obviously leading to uniformity and the release of clones that are considered a product deprived of individuality. The fertilizers obey the director who manipulates life and treats human beings like slaves or robots, seeing them only as a potential, cheap labour force.
    On the one hand, it helps improve the quality of the embryos. On the other hand, it also wipes out all identity and creates impersonal and dehumanized people who are all similar to each other. Sciences bows down to the wish for a perfect human being, but to some extent, we should remain critical of scientific progress, as it can also crush all forms of diversity. In a way, although science can be a benefit, it can also prove to be a burden. (ces deux paragraphes sont très au dessus de votre anglais réel, il faudra bien apprendre!)
    So medical progress was important but he has many drift.

    Before,(virgule) a women were victims of discrimination by the men. This discrimination was always present in the different fields. There was(elles étaient ou il y avait ??) discriminated in the work place, in politics, or at home. To illustrate this discrimination in class we had studied the film Made in Dagenham, this film is about the working class women who organize a strike in order to get an equal pay and this action led to the advancement of the equal paid act. The women were determined to obtain the equality.
    Whilst(TRES littéraire, mettez plutôt while) inequality between men and women continues today in the UK, it’s incomparable to the scale elsewhere in the world. To lower this inequality the government put in place many laws for example The right to be safe from domestic violence because there are many women who report abuse by their intimate partners and women are the focus of many rapes who(choisissez entre, who, whose, which et that!) destroy their lives, The right to have quality maternal health care because 536 000 women die of pregnecy-related complications ,The right to equal pay because women who works like a man(pluriel) must be paid like him,The right to education because 776 million illiterates are women and the right to hold public office because only 19 per cent of members of parliament accross the world are women.
    So dicrimination is more important than before.

    In conclusion we can say that the two major advancements in the United States’s located(took place) in the medical field with eugenism but also in the social field with the equatity between men and women which evolved more because thanks to them the United States of America have known a progress both in the medical field or and in the social field

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de leavar, postée le 30-04-2015 à 18:28:08 (S | E)
    Bonjour, est ce que ma correction est bonne s'il vous plait? Merci

    I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress.The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contibues to making the world a better place but in my notion I prefer to speak of the medical progress and more precisely eugenics but also the social progress with women.
    What are the two advancements in the United states ?
    So, firstly we will see the positive and negative points in the eugenics progress and secondly we will see the equality between women and men.

    Eugenics, is by definition the belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species, in selecting genes to create a perfect man. The American Eugenics society, founded in 1926, supported Galton’s theories. U.S eugenicist also supported restriction on immigration from nations with inferior stock,such as Italy, Greece, and countries of eastern Europe, and argued for the sterilization of insane,retarded and epileptic citizens. But medical progress had many negative points. For example in class we talked about Brave New world written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley, this book was adapted into a movie. In this movie the director is leading a group on a tour of the facilities. He presents it like a production factory and introduces his new scientific breakthrough to the newly arrived students. He seems proud of what he has succeeded in creating. He is convinced that he is serving a great cause and no one dares doubt him. This mass production of human beings is obviously leading to uniformity and the release of clones that are considered a product deprived of individuality. The fertilizers obey the director who manipulates life and treats human beings like slaves or robots, seeing them only as a potential, cheap labour force.
    On the one hand, it helps improve the quality of the embryos. On the other hand, it also wipes out all identity and creates impersonal and dehumanized people who are all similar to each other. Sciences bows down to the wish for a perfect human being, but to some extent, we should remain critical of scientific progress, as it can also crush all forms of diversity. In a way, although science can be a benefit, it can also prove to be a burden.
    So medical progress was important but they had many drifts.

    Before, women were victims of discrimination by men. This discrimination was always present in the different fields. They was discriminated in the work place, in politics, or at home. To illustrate this discrimination in class we studied the film Made in Dagenham, this film is about the working class women who organize a strike in order to get an equal pay and this action led to the advancement of the equal paid act. The women were determined to obtain equality.
    While inequality between men and women continues today in the UK, it’s incomparable to the scale elsewhere in the world. To lower this inequality the government put in place many laws for example The right to be safe from domestic violence because there are many women who report abuse by their intimate partners and women are the focus of many rapes whose destroy their lives, The right to have quality maternal health care because 536 000 women die of pregnecy-related complications ,The right to equal pay because women who work like men must be paid like them,The right to education because 776 million illiterates are women and the right to hold public office because only 19 per cent of members of parliament accross the world are women.
    So dicrimination is more important than before.

    In conclusion we can say that the two major advancement in the United States took place in the medical field with eugenism but also in the social field with the equatity between men and women which evolved more because thanks to them the United States of America have known a progress both in the medical field and in the social field.

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de gerondif, postée le 30-04-2015 à 23:23:00 (S | E)
    j'espère parce que je vais bientôt la connaître par coeur!

    I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress.The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contibues to making the world a better place but in my notion I prefer to speak of the medical progress and more precisely eugenics but also the social progress with women.
    What are the two advancements in the United states ?
    So, firstly we will see the positive and negative points in the eugenics progress and secondly we will see the equality between women and men.

    Eugenics, is by definition the belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species, in selecting genes to create a perfect man. The American Eugenics society, founded in 1926, supported Galton’s theories. This U.S eugenicist also supported restriction on immigration from nations with inferior stock,such as Italy, Greece, and countries of eastern Europe, and argued for the sterilization of insane,retarded and epileptic citizens. But medical progress had many negative points. For example in class we talked about Brave New world written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley, this book was adapted into a movie. In this movie the director is leading a group on a tour of the facilities. He presents it like a production factory and introduces his new scientific breakthrough to the newly arrived students. He seems proud of what he has succeeded in creating. He is convinced that he is serving a great cause and no one dares doubt him. This mass production of human beings is obviously leading to uniformity and the release of clones that are considered a product deprived of individuality. The fertilizers obey the director who manipulates life and treats human beings like slaves or robots, seeing them only as a potential, cheap labour force.
    On the one hand, it helps improve the quality of the embryos. On the other hand, it also wipes out all identity and creates impersonal and dehumanized people who are all similar to each other. Sciences bows down to the wish for a perfect human being, but to some extent, we should remain critical of scientific progress, as it can also crush all forms of diversity. In a way, although science can be a benefit, it can also prove to be a burden.
    So medical progress was important but they (qui ça ?) had many drifts.

    Before, women were victims of discrimination by men. This discrimination was always present in the different fields. They was(pluriel!) discriminated in the work place, in politics, or at home. To illustrate this discrimination in class we studied the film Made in Dagenham, this film is about the working class women who organize a strike in order to get an equal pay and this action led to the advancement of the equal paid act. The women were determined to obtain equality.
    While inequality between men and women continues today in the UK, it’s incomparable to the scale elsewhere in the world. To lower this inequality the government put in place many laws for example The right to be safe from domestic violence because there are many women who report abuse by their intimate partners and women are the focus of many rapes whose destroy their lives, The right to have quality maternal health care because 536 000 women die of pregnecy-related complications ,The right to equal pay because women who work like men must be paid like them,The right to education because 776 million illiterates (est seulement un adjectif, donc pas un nom)are women and the right to hold public office because only 19 per cent of members of parliament across the world are women.
    So dicrimination is more important than before.

    In conclusion we can say that the two major advancements in the United States took place in the medical field with eugenism but also in the social field with the equality between men and women which evolved more because thanks to them the United States of America have(singulier) known a progress both in the medical field and in the social field.

    Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de leavar, postée le 01-05-2015 à 00:00:44 (S | E)
    Bonsoir, merci une fois de plus pour toutes vos répnses.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2015 06:38

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais