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Find Events

"Event Locator"
Find entertainment events (such as sporting events, shows, rock concerts, classical music performances) by event, city or venue


U.S. Zip Code Finder

> US Zip Code Finder : Provide a city and state and get back a U.S. Zip Code

Delivery Address:


(Use two-letter abbreviation)

U.S.P.S. Package RateCalculator

> US Domestic Package Rate Calculator : Determine the cost of shipping a package within the U.S. using the United States Post Office.

Enter ZIP Codes:
From ZIP Code:
To ZIP Code:

Enter the weight:
Pounds: Ounces:

Does your package have any special characteristics?

UPS Domestic Shipping Calculator

> UPS Domestic Shipping Calculator : Get the shipping cost for a variety of UPS (United Parcel Service) shipping options within the United States.

Origin U.S. Code Code:

Destination City (optional):

Destination Zip code:

Is the destination a residential address?

Select drop-off/pickup service:

Packaging type:

Enter Package Weight:
(Except UPS Letter Envelope)

Package Dimensions:(Only for your packaging)
Length: inches
Width: inches
Height: inches

Note: Temporary fuel surcharges may apply.


Islamic Calendar Converter

> Convert any western (Gregorian calendar) date to an Islamic (Hijri calendar) calendar date. Or convert any Islamic (Hijri calendar) calendar date to a western (Gregorian calendar) date.

Convert from:
Gregorian (Western) to Hijri (Islamic)
Hijri (Islamic) to Gregorian (Western)

Enter Date:




How Many Days?

> Calculate the number of days between any two dates, present, past or future. Also calculates number of seconds and number of hours between the dates entered.
Calculate days between dates



Calendar Maker

> Make a calendar for any year for any Western country. Calendars are translated into the local language.

Enter year:

Enter Calendar Type:

Calendar Creator

> Get a calendar of any month or entire year - from Year 1 to 9999

Select Year:

Select month:

Time Zone Calculator

> Find the time zone of any city, country, or continent in the world. Also find comparative times - e.g. if it's 4:00pm in New York, what time is it in Tokyo?

Enter city, country or continent:

Countdown Calculator

> Find out how many days, hour, minutes and seconds until any date that you select.

Target Day of month:

Target Month:

Target Year:

Target Time:

Time-for-Distance Calculator

> Determine how long it takes to travel any distance (in feet) given any speed (in miles per hour).

