tests by lunatik with the online test builder (17 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Present or past simple (41588 candidates)
2. Modal verbs: babies and old people (28516 candidates)
3. Prepositions, postpositions : Alice in Wonderland (19099 candidates)
4. Adverbs and habits (17726 candidates)
5. Bargain and past simple (7305 candidates)
6. Starting school and possession (6904 candidates)
7. To, too, two (6307 candidates)
8. At home : a pleasant life (6093 candidates)
9. Snow White and the seven dwarfs (5508 candidates)
10. Animal Farm by George Orwell (4241 candidates)
11. Questioning (3879 candidates)
12. Verbs and feelings (3527 candidates)
13. First car and prepositions (3271 candidates)
14. Family and quarrel (2708 candidates)
15. Future and fortune (2045 candidates)
16. Oliver Twist : leaving for London (1273 candidates)
17. Writer's sufferings (1200 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Present or past simple (41588 candidates)
2. Modal verbs: babies and old people (28516 candidates)
3. Prepositions, postpositions : Alice in Wonderland (19099 candidates)
4. Adverbs and habits (17726 candidates)
5. Bargain and past simple (7305 candidates)
6. Starting school and possession (6904 candidates)
7. To, too, two (6307 candidates)
8. At home : a pleasant life (6093 candidates)
9. Snow White and the seven dwarfs (5508 candidates)
10. Animal Farm by George Orwell (4241 candidates)
11. Questioning (3879 candidates)
12. Verbs and feelings (3527 candidates)
13. First car and prepositions (3271 candidates)
14. Family and quarrel (2708 candidates)
15. Future and fortune (2045 candidates)
16. Oliver Twist : leaving for London (1273 candidates)
17. Writer's sufferings (1200 candidates)