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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #110345: Imperative mood and its tags.
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Imperative | Politeness | Question Tags [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: greeting people - Question tags - Can/could/may... Must/have to... - Imperative - Question Tags - Vocabulary: avoid saying: I don't know! - Vocabulary: Thanking everyone - Vocabulary: Sorry! (Let's apologise!)
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    Imperative mood and its tags.

    THE IMPERATIVE MODE  is used  to give orders, in the affirmative form : Come here! ; Eat your soup! 

    -  or the negative form, interdictions : Don't speak so loud! ; Don't answer back! 

    In French, the imperative has only 3 forms (1st person plural, 2nd person singular and plural), whereas in English, adding  LET, it can be used in the 3rd persons and with different nuances:

    invitation : Let her come to my party! I'll be delighted...

    public notice : Keep off the grass. 

    order : Listen when someone is speaking! 

    instructions : Open your books on page 6, and do exercise 3! 

    suggestion : Don't worry!

    direction,orientation : Go straight on and then turn left. 

    warning : Don't play with that big dog...

    request : Please, pass me the salt...




    1) The imperative is simply built with  the base verb :

    - Open the window, please. 

    In the negative form, DON'T is added:
    Don't look on your neighbour's test! 

    2) The imperative can be used in the emphatic form  ( insistence) adding  DO (which is stressed):
    - Do come as soon as possible! 
    * Always and never must be placed before the verb in the imperative:  
    - Never answer this question.


    3) LET'S = Let us = 1st person plural= a suggestion.

    - Let's go to the cinema at 2 o'clock. 

      : in order to soften orders, make them more polite, the question tag  following an imperative must be put in  the INTERROGATIVE FUTURE 
    - Let's wash up immediately, shall we?
    - Write your answer now, will you? 

    * In the negative form  = let's not ... but in the colloquial style familier don't let's is frequently used...
    - Let's not leave home so early... = Don't let's leave home so early...

    Well well! here you are...  ready for the test!  

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    1) No, Lucy... that summer dress on... and jeans I prepared last night. And to put on or off, depending on the weather... Now, hurry up, ? If you don't you'll be late for school....

    2) Kevin, ... Then, take your nuggets and .They're getting cold... as much ketchup! Yes, your fries now. They're no longer burning hot... and to clear the table after you, ?

    3) Kids, the lesson together... Good! Another time! Patie, after me! No, Laura, anything, please. together please. Let's repeat together a final time, ?


       I hope you did well and liked this test !!!  

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Imperative | Politeness | Question Tags | All our lessons and exercises