Sunday, October 13th 2024 (Today's page)
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Soon: Halloween [More] Frequent updates: Daily page | Chest | Videos with subtitles | Contest (Have fun) | Calendar 11/10 10:20 - New test from zifranglish: Short and basic exercise (*) 09/10 08:13 - New test from flori10: Emphasis with 'What ... + is/was' (**) 07/10 01:10 - Weekly newsletter - Monday 07/10/24 06/10 12:10 - New test from here4u: Can/ could/ can't and equivalents (**) 04/10 10:22 - New test from flori10: Phrasal verbs with Up and Down (**) 02/10 09:40 - New test from flori10: Reluctant, insecure, superstitious (**) 01/10 09:54 - New test from here4u: Made of? from? with? or out of? (**) |
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