
Check your emails from any computer in the world:

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Advanced version


No shocking site will be displayed. Very useful at school or at home.


Conjugate any verb:
Please type in the infinitive (eg: eat) WITHOUT USING CAPITAL LETTERS

> English verbs:

> Irish:

> French verbs:

> Spanish verbs:

> German verbs:

> Italian verbs:

Translate words, sentences or web sites:

Working with words:

> Find the definition of a word or its synonyms
> Definitions of computer terms:
> Search a glossary of Medicare terms and definitions (health):
> Law Dictonary:
> Find anagrams (words made from the letters of other words) for any word, phrase, place or name
> Get the meaning of any acronym such as F.B.I. / C.I.A. etc.
> Find words that rhyme with any word entered


Working with numbers:

> Find the current date and time in any country:

> Convert any currency into any other currencies


> Enter a French phone number and we will find the name and the address:
> Find a phone number in 40 countries :





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