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is it a good translation
Message de all4you posté le 01-06-2006 à 22:33:06 (S | E | F | I)

hello everybody well, I've written this text in french and after I've used Reverso Translator to translate in English. I d like know if this text means somethings for an Englishman( and if you have the time, could you correct the mistakes please) thanks in advance...

I am so alone without those that I like,
You fight a little because of me,
But stop a little and think to all that,
All, you want my happiness,
So different from the one of my heart,
I am not angry with you, I love you,

One believes all one days to be right,
But one is mistaken all one day or the other,
It is that to be human, always to judge the other,
Even if one doesn't know them,
Especially if one doesn't know them,
It is easier, one doesn't need reason,

One has all makes the pain to someone,
In our undone life then why,
Not to forgive for once,
Yes that makes sorrow when one thinks of it,
And again more when all is silence,
One has all envies to protect someone,

Me I will choose my heart,
Because it is not a bad choice,
Those that one likes, one didn't choose them,
In life, of the less in mine,
I raise my glass to those that remembers,
When my life didn't have right to happiness,

When once our lives, our existences,
Present or past, illuminated or overcast,
Were simple, life complicates itself and declined himself,
With the passing of the time that flows out slowly on us,
Our friends decide not to come back on you,
And there are the friends of always that make confidence again,

To those there, I want to tell to them than ever nothing,
Won't erase the friendship that I have with them,
But today my prayer will go for them,
Not to ask me to tell you,
Why, I prefer not to have to choose,
Those choices, are part of my destiny.

Réponse: is it a good translation de stavros, postée le 17-06-2006 à 17:38:37 (S | E)
I am so alone without those that I like,
You fight a little because of me,
But stop a little and think *OF* all *THIS*,
All, you want *IS* my happiness,
So different from the one of my heart,
I am not angry with you, I love you,

One believes all one day WILL be right,
But one is mistaken *THAT*one day or the other,
It is *LIKE* that *BEING* human, always *JUDGING* the other,
Even if one doesn't know them,
Especially if one doesn't know them,
It is easier, one doesn't need reason,

One *CAN MAKE ALL* the pain *FOR* someone,
In our undone life then why,
Not to forgive for once,
Yes that makes sorrow when one thinks of it,
And again more when all is silenT*,
One has all envies to protect someone,

Me I will choose my heart,
Because it is not a bad choice,
Those that one likes, one didn't choose them,
In life, of the less in mine,
I raise my glass to those that remembers,
When my life didn't have right to happiness,

***The above paragraph makes no sense to me***

Once, our lives, our existences,
Present or past, illuminated *AND* overcast,
Were simple, life complicated itself and declined *ITSELF*,
With the passing of the time that flows out slowly on us,
*YOUR* friends decide not to come back *TO*you,
And there are the friends *FOR* always that make *US CONFIDENT*once again,

To *them*, I want to say *THAT* nothing,
Will erase the friendship that I have with them,
But today my prayer will go *TO* them,
Not to ask me to tell you,
Why, I prefer not to have to choose,
Those choices, are part of my destiny.



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