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The meaning of life
Message de bb86 posté le 23-07-2006 à 17:45:15 (S | E | F | I)

Pretend you're on vacation, you're driving a car and at the top of a hill you notice three people... You stop the car and realize you have to choose between the three of them: the first person is your best friend who has to meet someone for a job interview in half an hour and if you don't take him to the interview he won't get the job and will never have another opportunity.
The second person is an old woman who's having a heart attack and if you don't take her to the hospital she's going to die.
The third person is the woman or man of your life, your soul mate and if you don't finish your trip with him or her you'll never meet him or her again, you will never find love again, and you certainly won't live happily ever after!

Who would you pick? And remember you can only take one person since there are only two seats in your car and you have no trunk!!

Who would you pick and why
A logic answer next week

Modifié par bridg le 01-08-2006 21:50

Réponse: The meaning of life de stavros, postée le 23-07-2006 à 18:19:06 (S | E)
I would pick the elderly woman. The reason for me saying this is because I would feel so guilty if I hadn't taken here to the hospital so that she could get some medical attention.

Réponse: The meaning of life de sibelius, postée le 23-07-2006 à 18:19:10 (S | E)

Well, how difficult is this choise !

I think I would give my car to my best friend so that he could take the old woman to the hospital, and I would continue my road,  by foot,  with the man of my life

See you  

Réponse: The meaning of life de nick27, postée le 23-07-2006 à 18:59:41 (S | E)
Hi !

Wow! It's a very good question and it's difficult to answer but I guess I'd say the same thing as sibelius . I think I'd lend my car to my friend and so he'll pick up the old woman - to take her to the nearest hospital - and then, I'd walk around with the girl of my life ... Yes, it's a great plan !

See you all

Réponse: The meaning of life de tdi, postée le 23-07-2006 à 20:24:00 (S | E)
I think I will take my best friend.
Because my life depend about him.


Réponse: The meaning of life de sfd22, postée le 24-07-2006 à 10:53:26 (S | E)
I give the keys of my car to my friend and ask him to go to the hospital with the old woman and to keep the car to go for his job meeting.
So I stay alone with my future lover.

Réponse: The meaning of life de mp27, postée le 24-07-2006 à 11:29:54 (S | E)
Hello bb86!

I can't find any better solution than the one suggested by sibelius, nick27 and sfd22.

Indeed, it seems a good idea to give the car to my friend who will first take the old woman to hospital, and then, will carry on driving to the place where she has her interview. Well, I hope the hospital isn't too far away!

During all that time, I'll be with "the man of my life" and we'll finish the trip together, walking happily down the hill.
We could carry on walking to the place where my best friend would have had her interview and I could get my car back.
Is that the logical answer?

Réponse: The meaning of life de bb86, postée le 24-07-2006 à 11:57:51 (S | E)
You got it mp27 (as well as nick 27 ans sfd 22)that's indeed the logic answer,but without logic what would have been your first instinct who would you have picked? My first idea was to pick the man of my life since my best friend is supposed to understand me and to support me no matter what happens to him, otherwise he wouldn't be my best friend, so he'll agree with my choice ( I know if someone has such a good friend he's very lucky) I wouldn't pick the
woman because well
she is old so she is
going to die anyway,very soon,with or without a heart attack ( do I sound mean?)
But I admit it the right choice remains to give he wheel to your best friend who will
take the old women to the
hospital and finish your trip with your soul mate...
Any other idea?

Réponse: The meaning of life de anawel, postée le 24-07-2006 à 15:36:55 (S | E)
I think I will take the old women because the life of a person is the most important thing, more important than the job of my friend, if this person is a real friend for me he will think like me and accept my choice, the same thing for the man of my life if he don't considere that the life of a women or a man is more important than all other thing, I can't love him, because we would be very different in our principles.
Modifié par bridg le 24-07-2006 15:50

Réponse: The meaning of life de traviskidd, postée le 24-07-2006 à 15:57:19 (S | E)
Why not let your soulmate drive the old woman to the hospital? I mean after all, the person you think is your soulmate probably has a lot of nasty habits that you won't be able to tolerate once you know about them! And honestly, does your best friend really need the job? Money isn't everything, you know! And there are probably a lot of other applicants for the job your best friend is to interview for so even if he made it to the interview he probably still wouldn't get hired! And anyway, you and your best friend can use your time together without the car to reminisce about the good old days!

What could be more logical than that?!?

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