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a poem
Message de amigowhite posté le 16-08-2006 à 19:57:47 (S | E | F | I)

this poem is offere to all the members of this lovely site
Little drops of water
Little grains of sand
Make the mighty ocean
And the beauteous land

And the little moments,
Humble though be,
Make the mighty ages
of eternity

So our little errors
lead the soul away
From the paths of virtue
Into sin to stray

Little deeds of kindness
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden
like the heaven above
written by Julia Fletcher Carney
do you agree with what she says
Modifié par bridg le 16-08-2006 20:02
English Only

Réponse: a poem de tinyoo79, postée le 16-08-2006 à 20:27:59 (S | E)
Hello amigowhite, many thanks for this lovely poem. I agree absolutely with Julia Fletcher Carney. The world would be better if we were quite as sentimental.

Réponse: a poem de amigowhite, postée le 16-08-2006 à 23:52:54 (S | E)
thanks for your kind answer i think that the summary of the poem is that any kind of deeds even if we think that they are minor and unimportant may make a great thing one day by perseverance,just like you ,you are a grandmother and you want to learn more and more and that's nice
I'll be glad to be one of your friends

Réponse: a poem de mp27, postée le 18-08-2006 à 16:12:08 (S | E)
Hello amigowhite,

How marvellous to have given to all of us the opportunity to read the poem from Julia Fletcher Carney! How refreshing too, in this materialistic world to underline those "little things" of beauty around us, those "little moments" of peace and joy, those "little words" - words discrete and kind showing appreciation and love - all those little and subtle ways to make earth a better place. Just imagine!...

I don't think that Julia F. Carney's words were the words of a dreamer. There is nothing soppy or unreal about what she says. To me, her "Little things" - a successful poem in 1845 - has still got the same appeal in 2006... and even more. So many people who mean well are lost in gimmicks of all sorts, empty words and hurtful behaviour! We all need being reminded about those "little deeds", those "little things" that can brighten up our life, uplift our spirit and put a smile of understanding and gratefulness on everyone's face all around us.

Thanks! Re-reading that poem has been, today, one of those "little things" so worthwhile!
Yes, it has certainly made my day!

Réponse: a poem de amigowhite, postée le 18-08-2006 à 19:56:21 (S | E)
hello mp27
your kind message is as beautiful as the poem itself and you are right when you said that the true meaning of all moral values never changes through time the meaning of love,friendship,motherhood will never change till the end of this world
and the sign of this continuity are people like you who still appreciate them and as Shakespeare said in "SONNET 18" speaking about the beauty of his lover; as long as there are still people who ,will read my poems about my love her beauty will never fade
so your little word is great in my heart thanks

Réponse: a poem de mp27, postée le 19-08-2006 à 15:50:55 (S | E)
Hello Amigowhite!
At the end of your first post, following Julia F. Carney's poem, you simply asked whether we agreed with what she said. I suppose you are expecting to get a few people giving their opinion in English (as this is classified in "English only"). Do you have in mind to carry on, from time to time, selecting a piece of Prose or Poetry to share with us, asking for our comments?
Something did strike me today about Julia F. Carney's poem:
Little drops of water make the mighty ocean...
Little grains of sand make the beauteous land.
We could consider people's little efforts as a great contribution towards making the earth and the world a better place.
Have a very good weekend!
PS Have you read the Desiderata? (a bit longer than this poem)

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-08-2006 16:04

Réponse: a poem de amigowhite, postée le 19-08-2006 à 20:09:44 (S | E)
hello mp27
I alway like to discuss about any kind of beauty in this world with people who appreciate them too ,so whenever i find something interesting i will propose it and share it with all
i havent' read the disiderata maybe you can introduce it to me
take care and bye



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