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country,my beloved countries!!!
Message de alexander01 posté le 20-08-2006 à 20:06:45 (S | E | F | I)

Est ce que vous savez votre origine .Je vous raconte la mienne et a vous de me raconter les siennes la vôtre.

Suddenly, they had to flee their countries leaving everything they loved behind them;including their Countries;Friends and beloved Lands.Brave were those men,women,boys and girls who had just landed up in an unknown and vast place.But these people were not uprooted,on the contrary,they kept strengthening their position. Decades later,here we are.We've built the most powerful country in the world to pay tribute to our grandparents.This land is your land.This land is my land.From California to the New York island.From the Redwood Forest to the gulf stream waters; this land was made for you and me(woody guthrie).But we must never forget where we come from whatever we have or whoever we are .bob marley did so by going back to Africa just before dying.As for me, i'd like to live the last moments of my life in the place where my parents where from.

Modifié par bridg le 20-08-2006 20:11
English only

Réponse: country,my beloved countries!!! de amigowhite, postée le 21-08-2006 à 23:05:58 (S | E)
nowadays people don't mind keeping their own identity in the host country we have heard that in the usa itself many people may grow up in the states and are unable to speak english for example because they live in community,have their own schools and tv channels but I'm writing to you to ask ,why do people leave their own country and live an entire life somewhere else but want to die in their native country does it make any difference when someone is dead

Modifié par traviskidd le 22-08-2006 13:49

Réponse: country,my beloved countries!!! de paraodeus, postée le 09-10-2006 à 21:03:51 (S | E)
I think it has everything to do with a spiritual connection with your roots. An ingrained sense of home. At your hour of death what you may want to see is what is dearest to you. This is just my guess.



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