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Message de aussie posté le 24-05-2005 à 09:04:39 (S | E | F | I)

Hello every body,

Prejudice is partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation or a person. When we are prejudiced, we are:-

-Unreasonable, and judge others negatively without evidence.
-Unjust, if we discriminate.
-Intolerant, if we reject or dislike people because they are different.

Prejudice exists in our society. It is an undeniable force within our
society, so prevalent that it can be found within the most open minded people and enlightened organisations, subtly taking its toll despite the best of intentions.
Prejudice is hostile and is expressed in attitude. It has the affect of
resentful feeling, an unfouded dislike for someone, unfair blaming and
degradation of others.

Let us peep into ourselves and discuss the way to overcome this
undeniable force which is the cause of discrimination and hatred in our society.


Réponse: Prejudice de babyscot59, postée le 24-05-2005 à 13:24:24 (S | E)

I am not going to write a long text about it but I think that Prejudice always comes from the tendency of human-beings to be blindfolded and to refuse to open up.
I may assert that If we had the opportunity to discuss with different people to share out experiences and opinions, maybe we wouldn't have so much trouble with prejudice whether it is about ethnical or love preferencies.

May it be so

Edité par babyscot59 le 24-05-2005 13:25

Réponse: Prejudice de aussie, postée le 25-05-2005 à 10:15:28 (S | E)

Yes, "Babyscot59" you are right. We must open up and have broad mind.
We must always take the bright side into account. We must not forget
that if we are to have a just society, it is upto each of us to take a stand against unfair practices and attitudes. We must bear in mind
that there is no place for prejudice or discrimination in our society.
Almost each of us have been or might have been affected by this
nagative force. But no body is coming forward to share the views.
Have a nice day.


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