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    141. Abidjan (11158 candidates)
    142. Prague (605 candidates)
    143. Opérations : Soustraction mentale de nombres décimaux - CM2 (13454 candidates)
    144. Turin (473 candidates)
    145. Capitals of German Länder (10004 candidates)
    146. Number phone (2490 candidates)
    147. Histoire - Programme de 3e (9228 candidates)
    148. Interrogative pronouns ; wo, was, wie, wer, wann (16870 candidates)
    149. Saragosse (355 candidates)
    150. Adjectifs qualificatifs ā accorder (10868 candidates)
    151. La Rochelle (1287 candidates)
    152. Londres (2560 candidates)
    153. Colin McRae (559 candidates)
    154. Declension (32646 candidates)
    155. Por/Para3 (11352 candidates)
    156. Por / Para - 2 (6530 candidates)
    157. Linking words (9534 candidates)
    158. Médecine (8838 candidates)
    159. Géographie générale (2000 candidates)
    160. Histoire - Programme de 2nde (5738 candidates)

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