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    tests by dridro with the online test builder (394 tests)
    Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    121. Build these sentences (1284 candidates) (moyenne = 11.8)
    122. Complete : animals (2921 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
    123. Song to complete (575 candidates) (moyenne = 11.4)
    124. Easy sentences (758 candidates) (moyenne = 11.4)
    125. Opposite words (6774 candidates) (moyenne = 11.3)
    126. Opposite words (4693 candidates) (moyenne = 11.3)
    127. Pronominal verbs (2148 candidates) (moyenne = 11.3)
    128. Platero y yo de Juan Ramón Jiménez (1103 candidates) (moyenne = 11.3)
    129. El análisis morfológico (2118 candidates) (moyenne = 11.3)
    130. Story (657 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
    131. Construcción de las Pirámides (280 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
    132. Build these sentences (2033 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
    133. Accent? (4021 candidates) (moyenne = 11.1)
    134. DE/DEL/DE LA/ DE LOS/ DE LAS (9269 candidates) (moyenne = 11.1)
    135. Prepositions (4547 candidates) (moyenne = 11.1)
    136. About AIDS (1957 candidates) (moyenne = 11)
    137. Funny definitions (3128 candidates) (moyenne = 11)
    138. Coordinación a base de conjunciones (9404 candidates) (moyenne = 11)
    139. Imperative: -ar (123685 candidates) (moyenne = 10.9)
    140. Complete this song (687 candidates) (moyenne = 10.9)

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