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    tests by antoniutti with the online test builder (24 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Modal verbs (90682 candidates)
    2. Present perfect continuous (65472 candidates)
    3. Past or pluperfect simple (36734 candidates)
    4. Past tense + ing (26580 candidates)
    5. Present or present perfect (21763 candidates)
    6. Adjectives (15893 candidates)
    7. Past or pluperfect simple (13422 candidates)
    8. 'HENRY VIII by Axelle DIBAS FRANCK' reading comprehension (10244 candidates)
    9. Pluperfect continuous (10199 candidates)
    10. Abraham Lincoln, American president. A biography by Sean Ded (5873 candidates)
    11. Bloody Mary, the legend of Mary Worth, by Carla Makumbu. (3795 candidates)
    12. Al Capone, the story of Scarface, by Bourbotte Louis. (3490 candidates)
    13. Right word (2540 candidates)
    14. Queen Elizabeth I, queen of England. By Zelda Borgia. (1779 candidates)
    15. Bonnie and Clyde by Sabrina Dominguez Soares (1167 candidates)
    16. Harry Houdini, by Jean Therrin. (1066 candidates)
    17. Thomas Jefferson (850 candidates)
    18. Boris Karloff or Frankenstein, by Guillaume Bertin. (842 candidates)
    19. The Legend of Merlin, by Castaner Pauline. (817 candidates)
    20. Macbeth, by Donazzan Adrien (525 candidates)

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