tests by anuesther with the online test builder (40 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Do - don't - does - doesn't (64543 candidates)
2. Present Simple (37175 candidates)
3. Question Tags (20422 candidates)
4. Should or Must (15986 candidates)
5. Parts of Speech (14180 candidates)
6. Already or Yet (9657 candidates)
7. Gerunds or Infinitives (9205 candidates)
8. Order of Adjectives (8264 candidates)
9. The / no article (7534 candidates)
10. Relative Pronouns - That or Who (6737 candidates)
11. Avoiding Double Negatives (5996 candidates)
12. Subject-Verb Agreement (4556 candidates)
13. Forms of Adjectives (4151 candidates)
14. Common misspellings (4139 candidates)
15. Using Collocations (3703 candidates)
16. Conjunctions: And - But (3533 candidates)
17. Forms of verbs (3433 candidates)
18. Past Perfect (3422 candidates)
19. Reading Comprehension: Galileo and his Telescope (3225 candidates)
20. Prepositions (2937 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Do - don't - does - doesn't (64543 candidates)
2. Present Simple (37175 candidates)
3. Question Tags (20422 candidates)
4. Should or Must (15986 candidates)
5. Parts of Speech (14180 candidates)
6. Already or Yet (9657 candidates)
7. Gerunds or Infinitives (9205 candidates)
8. Order of Adjectives (8264 candidates)
9. The / no article (7534 candidates)
10. Relative Pronouns - That or Who (6737 candidates)
11. Avoiding Double Negatives (5996 candidates)
12. Subject-Verb Agreement (4556 candidates)
13. Forms of Adjectives (4151 candidates)
14. Common misspellings (4139 candidates)
15. Using Collocations (3703 candidates)
16. Conjunctions: And - But (3533 candidates)
17. Forms of verbs (3433 candidates)
18. Past Perfect (3422 candidates)
19. Reading Comprehension: Galileo and his Telescope (3225 candidates)
20. Prepositions (2937 candidates)
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