tests by bridg with the online test builder (45 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Big Vocabulary test (298537 candidates)
2. Action verbs (33909 candidates)
3. Dialogue : 1st meeting (27200 candidates)
4. Introducing oneself (26907 candidates)
5. Colours (20918 candidates)
6. Numbers (18919 candidates)
7. Future :To go/to come/to wait (18002 candidates)
8. Describing oneself (17480 candidates)
9. Numbers from 0 to 20 (14464 candidates)
10. My bedroom (12151 candidates)
11. Bilingual dialogue : Where is the station? (12034 candidates)
12. Clothes & more (11855 candidates)
13. Mood -vocabulary (10188 candidates)
14. Additions (9636 candidates)
15. Future: tomorrow (8844 candidates)
16. Body (8662 candidates)
17. Grammar: Noun & verb (7023 candidates)
18. Vocabulary: in your kitchen (6858 candidates)
19. Worksheet -Body words (6789 candidates)
20. Who am I? (6704 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Big Vocabulary test (298537 candidates)
2. Action verbs (33909 candidates)
3. Dialogue : 1st meeting (27200 candidates)
4. Introducing oneself (26907 candidates)
5. Colours (20918 candidates)
6. Numbers (18919 candidates)
7. Future :To go/to come/to wait (18002 candidates)
8. Describing oneself (17480 candidates)
9. Numbers from 0 to 20 (14464 candidates)
10. My bedroom (12151 candidates)
11. Bilingual dialogue : Where is the station? (12034 candidates)
12. Clothes & more (11855 candidates)
13. Mood -vocabulary (10188 candidates)
14. Additions (9636 candidates)
15. Future: tomorrow (8844 candidates)
16. Body (8662 candidates)
17. Grammar: Noun & verb (7023 candidates)
18. Vocabulary: in your kitchen (6858 candidates)
19. Worksheet -Body words (6789 candidates)
20. Who am I? (6704 candidates)
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