tests by carlabice47 with the online test builder (62 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Modals: should, would, could (72474 candidates)
2. Used to - Be used to - Get used to (20049 candidates)
3. Question tags (9549 candidates)
4. Gerund or Infinitve (7644 candidates)
5. Gerund or Infinitive (7180 candidates)
6. Mustn't or don't have to (5545 candidates)
7. At the hotel (5519 candidates)
8. At the airport: (5477 candidates)
9. Confusing adjectives (5458 candidates)
10. Ways of looking (5416 candidates)
11. Forming adjectives from nouns (4468 candidates)
12. Gerund or Infinitive (4130 candidates)
13. Acronyms (3317 candidates)
14. Present perfect simple or continuous (3076 candidates)
15. Ways of laughing (3041 candidates)
16. Present perfect simple or continuous (3040 candidates)
17. Mis - Negative Prefix (2886 candidates)
18. Computer vocabulary (2827 candidates)
19. Rain and ways of raining (2696 candidates)
20. Imperfect or defective ( synonyms) (2653 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Modals: should, would, could (72474 candidates)
2. Used to - Be used to - Get used to (20049 candidates)
3. Question tags (9549 candidates)
4. Gerund or Infinitve (7644 candidates)
5. Gerund or Infinitive (7180 candidates)
6. Mustn't or don't have to (5545 candidates)
7. At the hotel (5519 candidates)
8. At the airport: (5477 candidates)
9. Confusing adjectives (5458 candidates)
10. Ways of looking (5416 candidates)
11. Forming adjectives from nouns (4468 candidates)
12. Gerund or Infinitive (4130 candidates)
13. Acronyms (3317 candidates)
14. Present perfect simple or continuous (3076 candidates)
15. Ways of laughing (3041 candidates)
16. Present perfect simple or continuous (3040 candidates)
17. Mis - Negative Prefix (2886 candidates)
18. Computer vocabulary (2827 candidates)
19. Rain and ways of raining (2696 candidates)
20. Imperfect or defective ( synonyms) (2653 candidates)
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