tests by costo with the online test builder (24 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Like or As (19379 candidates)
2. Adverbs ending with -ly (16914 candidates)
3. Subjunctive (12934 candidates)
4. Passive voice (8792 candidates)
5. Comparative or Superlative (8530 candidates)
6. Reported speech (6484 candidates)
7. Must - Have to - Need (5108 candidates)
8. Rewriting (5032 candidates)
9. Negation (4399 candidates)
10. Little, too much, too many (3978 candidates)
11. Exclamative sentences (3833 candidates)
12. Plural and words in S or ES (3758 candidates)
13. If clauses (2913 candidates)
14. Many or Much (2457 candidates)
15. Passive form (2264 candidates)
16. Asking questions (2194 candidates)
17. Reported speech (1802 candidates)
18. Linking words (1791 candidates)
19. Verbs coming from nouns and adjectives (1784 candidates)
20. Plural and verbs in -S or -IES (1282 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Like or As (19379 candidates)
2. Adverbs ending with -ly (16914 candidates)
3. Subjunctive (12934 candidates)
4. Passive voice (8792 candidates)
5. Comparative or Superlative (8530 candidates)
6. Reported speech (6484 candidates)
7. Must - Have to - Need (5108 candidates)
8. Rewriting (5032 candidates)
9. Negation (4399 candidates)
10. Little, too much, too many (3978 candidates)
11. Exclamative sentences (3833 candidates)
12. Plural and words in S or ES (3758 candidates)
13. If clauses (2913 candidates)
14. Many or Much (2457 candidates)
15. Passive form (2264 candidates)
16. Asking questions (2194 candidates)
17. Reported speech (1802 candidates)
18. Linking words (1791 candidates)
19. Verbs coming from nouns and adjectives (1784 candidates)
20. Plural and verbs in -S or -IES (1282 candidates)
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