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    tests by ddec with the online test builder (39 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Past simple, continuous or perfect (1806 candidates)
    2. Have - ordinary verb (1187 candidates)
    3. Advice:If I were you + two word verbs (1010 candidates)
    4. Have - has in present simple (1005 candidates)
    5. Say or tell (991 candidates)
    6. Quantity: a lot of- much- many- a little- a few- some- a- an (947 candidates)
    7. Basic every day English conversation (903 candidates)
    8. Like or would like to (883 candidates)
    9. How much - how many - a lot of (873 candidates)
    10. Be going to (863 candidates)
    11. Dialogue : problems and advice (805 candidates)
    12. It's the first time + present perfect (778 candidates)
    13. Present perfect + just (773 candidates)
    14. At- on- in- 0 (755 candidates)
    15. Short answers - verb to be in present (751 candidates)
    16. Can I?....Can you? (741 candidates)
    17. Colour and idioms (675 candidates)
    18. Family: possessive -'s (662 candidates)
    19. My-your-his-etc (661 candidates)
    20. Hobbies -success- failure- encouragement (660 candidates)

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