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    tests by diallo20 with the online test builder (34 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Question tags (1774 candidates)
    2. A - An - The (1543 candidates)
    3. Possessive adjectives or pronouns (1344 candidates)
    4. Future - mixed tenses (1235 candidates)
    5. Money verbs (1122 candidates)
    6. Adjectives or Adverbs (1099 candidates)
    7. Prepositions At - In - On (1026 candidates)
    8. And - Because - But (953 candidates)
    9. Much - Many (945 candidates)
    10. Adverbs (882 candidates)
    11. For-since-ago (826 candidates)
    12. Adverbs of quantity (806 candidates)
    13. Relative clause -1 (800 candidates)
    14. Pronouns -who - which (756 candidates)
    15. Adverbs in frequency (727 candidates)
    16. Comparative - Superlative (639 candidates)
    17. Gerund or infinitve (634 candidates)
    18. Future - mixed tenses (630 candidates)
    19. No or Not (616 candidates)
    20. Future continuous or future perfect (607 candidates)

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