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    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (393 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. False friends (30777 candidates)
    2. Present simple or continuous (27607 candidates)
    3. Open questions (22045 candidates)
    4. Past simple (19648 candidates)
    5. At/In/To (18167 candidates)
    6. Verbs and tenses (14679 candidates)
    7. Expression of cause (12666 candidates)
    8. False friends (12467 candidates)
    9. Comparison (12328 candidates)
    10. Adjectives and prepositions (11186 candidates)
    11. Infinitive or Gerund? (10976 candidates)
    12. Compound adjectives (10687 candidates)
    13. Coordinating conjunctions (10540 candidates)
    14. Reported speech (9950 candidates)
    15. Confusion and words (9910 candidates)
    16. Suffixes in derivation (9904 candidates)
    17. Adjective and preposition (9510 candidates)
    18. Adjectives and prepositions (9257 candidates)
    19. Still/always (9248 candidates)
    20. Correct word (9205 candidates)

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