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    tests by farshid with the online test builder (53 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Simple future tense - will or going to (8457 candidates)
    2. Present perfect (5274 candidates)
    3. Comparative or Superlative (4884 candidates)
    4. Present simple (4828 candidates)
    5. Simple future tense (3637 candidates)
    6. Stative or dynamic verbs (3137 candidates)
    7. Adjectives order (2552 candidates)
    8. First Conditional (2369 candidates)
    9. Vocabulary-bank (1610 candidates)
    10. Past continuous (1603 candidates)
    11. Past perfect (1599 candidates)
    12. Personal protective Equipment (1549 candidates)
    13. Reported speech (1478 candidates)
    14. Future continuous (1413 candidates)
    15. Phrasal verb - Get (1409 candidates)
    16. Vocabulary and banks (1299 candidates)
    17. Fruits (1204 candidates)
    18. Conditional Sentences (Zero conditional) (1203 candidates)
    19. Present continuous tense (1188 candidates)
    20. Countable or uncountable nouns (1149 candidates)

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