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    tests by fouine18 with the online test builder (176 tests)

    1. L'infinitif (7812 candidates)
    2. Temps simples et composés (195752 candidates)
    3. Temps : En voiture (719 candidates)
    4. C, cc, ch, ck, qu ou k (7636 candidates)
    5. Peu, peux, peut (6574 candidates)
    6. Conjuguer les verbes au temps qui convient (37690 candidates)
    7. Prepositions (1645 candidates)
    8. Verbs and tenses (3718 candidates)
    9. A short story (4081 candidates)
    10. Accusative / Dative (8928 candidates)
    11. Verbs (1312 candidates)
    12. Sentences with 'wish' (11519 candidates)
    13. Traduction (14527 candidates)
    14. Verbs (13530 candidates)
    15. Quantities (9923 candidates)
    16. Possession (4963 candidates)
    17. Infinitive or -ing (1881 candidates)
    18. Le son g, gg ou gu (29348 candidates)
    19. Questions and superlatives (5741 candidates)
    20. Superlatives (9739 candidates)

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