tests by lemagemasque with the online test builder (12 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Comparative of superiority (72290 candidates)
2. For / Since (68231 candidates)
3. Comparative with Less (60619 candidates)
4. Comparative with as ...as (55935 candidates)
5. Interrogative pronouns/adjectives (10633 candidates)
6. Suggestions (9241 candidates)
7. Whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however (6509 candidates)
8. Open / Opened (6235 candidates)
9. Expressions using comparatives and superlatives (4342 candidates)
10. Very, very much, much (4291 candidates)
11. Expressions with More (2680 candidates)
12. Sentences using Less (2299 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Comparative of superiority (72290 candidates)
2. For / Since (68231 candidates)
3. Comparative with Less (60619 candidates)
4. Comparative with as ...as (55935 candidates)
5. Interrogative pronouns/adjectives (10633 candidates)
6. Suggestions (9241 candidates)
7. Whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however (6509 candidates)
8. Open / Opened (6235 candidates)
9. Expressions using comparatives and superlatives (4342 candidates)
10. Very, very much, much (4291 candidates)
11. Expressions with More (2680 candidates)
12. Sentences using Less (2299 candidates)