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    tests by valdyeuse with the online test builder (113 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Future with shall and will (85078 candidates)
    2. About To be and To have (58115 candidates)
    3. Personal pronouns (35178 candidates)
    4. Possessive case (26039 candidates)
    5. Who and Which (22984 candidates)
    6. Past perfect simple (22236 candidates)
    7. How many - How much (22212 candidates)
    8. Comparison (19631 candidates)
    9. Present simple or continuous (19196 candidates)
    10. Exclamations with How or What (15195 candidates)
    11. Any - some - no (14649 candidates)
    12. Another - other - the others (11802 candidates)
    13. Too many or too much (11461 candidates)
    14. If or When (11429 candidates)
    15. Superlatives (11374 candidates)
    16. Conditional present (10328 candidates)
    17. Prefixes Over and Under (9811 candidates)
    18. How long - For - Since (9714 candidates)
    19. Relative pronouns Who or Which (9316 candidates)
    20. Past simple (8685 candidates)

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