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    tests by lucile83 with the online test builder (207 tests)

    1. Present continuous (53917 candidates)
    2. Plural of words (87364 candidates)
    3. Past simple (video) (260572 candidates)
    4. Housework video (25718 candidates)
    5. Auxiliary BE (224450 candidates)
    6. Human mind (The) (990 candidates)
    7. Question Tags (10075 candidates)
    8. Countryside (The) (18668 candidates)
    9. Past simple or continuous (43626 candidates)
    10. English food (27107 candidates)
    11. Articles a / an / the (596480 candidates)
    12. There is - There are... left (106876 candidates)
    13. Numbers from 1 to 10 (357992 candidates)
    14. Across / through (107444 candidates)
    15. Indirect speech (185732 candidates)
    16. Adverbs of frequency (802333 candidates)
    17. Food and restaurant (129469 candidates)
    18. Since and for (313854 candidates)
    19. Verb - singular or plural? (77003 candidates)
    20. Present continuous (16861 candidates)

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