tests by matrixhamdi with the online test builder (65 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Express the future (182403 candidates)
2. At the airport (122977 candidates)
3. Past tenses (119224 candidates)
4. Question tags (91966 candidates)
5. Much or many (76658 candidates)
6. Prepositions of time (61154 candidates)
7. Present perfect (58099 candidates)
8. Article 'the' / nothing (57749 candidates)
9. Present (55651 candidates)
10. Plural (54763 candidates)
11. Clothes (48244 candidates)
12. Future (40018 candidates)
13. Structure of the sentence (39976 candidates)
14. At the police station (36338 candidates)
15. Pronouns: one/ones (32507 candidates)
16. Adverbs of manner (31832 candidates)
17. Comparative of superiority (30949 candidates)
18. At the hospital (29702 candidates)
19. Adverbs of frequency (26954 candidates)
20. Imperative (25071 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Express the future (182403 candidates)
2. At the airport (122977 candidates)
3. Past tenses (119224 candidates)
4. Question tags (91966 candidates)
5. Much or many (76658 candidates)
6. Prepositions of time (61154 candidates)
7. Present perfect (58099 candidates)
8. Article 'the' / nothing (57749 candidates)
9. Present (55651 candidates)
10. Plural (54763 candidates)
11. Clothes (48244 candidates)
12. Future (40018 candidates)
13. Structure of the sentence (39976 candidates)
14. At the police station (36338 candidates)
15. Pronouns: one/ones (32507 candidates)
16. Adverbs of manner (31832 candidates)
17. Comparative of superiority (30949 candidates)
18. At the hospital (29702 candidates)
19. Adverbs of frequency (26954 candidates)
20. Imperative (25071 candidates)
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