tests by val92 with the online test builder (61 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Cooking verbs (12227 candidates)
2. Bobby goes to the doctor's (7802 candidates)
3. Bobby goes to a hotel (6631 candidates)
4. On the beach (6545 candidates)
5. One letter changes everything (5441 candidates)
6. At the hairdresser's (5257 candidates)
7. Bobby at springtime (4888 candidates)
8. My routine (4793 candidates)
9. Linking words (4730 candidates)
10. Bobby at the bank (4668 candidates)
11. At the restaurant (4598 candidates)
12. To put and particles (4412 candidates)
13. Expressions with the word DAY (4386 candidates)
14. A tourist in Paris (3965 candidates)
15. Syntax (3785 candidates)
16. Bobby at the airport (3619 candidates)
17. Compound nouns (3378 candidates)
18. About sleep (3296 candidates)
19. All about DNA (3263 candidates)
20. Adverb or adjective (3239 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Cooking verbs (12227 candidates)
2. Bobby goes to the doctor's (7802 candidates)
3. Bobby goes to a hotel (6631 candidates)
4. On the beach (6545 candidates)
5. One letter changes everything (5441 candidates)
6. At the hairdresser's (5257 candidates)
7. Bobby at springtime (4888 candidates)
8. My routine (4793 candidates)
9. Linking words (4730 candidates)
10. Bobby at the bank (4668 candidates)
11. At the restaurant (4598 candidates)
12. To put and particles (4412 candidates)
13. Expressions with the word DAY (4386 candidates)
14. A tourist in Paris (3965 candidates)
15. Syntax (3785 candidates)
16. Bobby at the airport (3619 candidates)
17. Compound nouns (3378 candidates)
18. About sleep (3296 candidates)
19. All about DNA (3263 candidates)
20. Adverb or adjective (3239 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Next >> |