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    tests by chocolatcitron with the online test builder (203 tests)

    101. Dictation: before (499 candidates)
    102. Irregular verbs and tenses (914 candidates)
    103. Dictation: Daddy (486 candidates)
    104. Dictation: summer rain (336 candidates)
    105. Fire! 3/3 (447 candidates)
    106. Turn of phrases (303 candidates)
    107. Fire! 1/3 (672 candidates)
    108. Dictation-spelling - Nicky 2/2 (489 candidates)
    109. Fire and jobs (4848 candidates)
    110. Playground: children's games (4216 candidates)
    111. Adjectives : autumn 2/2 (365 candidates)
    112. False friends - words : T 1/3 (605 candidates)
    113. False friends - words : T 2/3 (429 candidates)
    114. False friends -words : T3/3 (454 candidates)
    115. Dictation- spelling - Nicky 1/2 (550 candidates)
    116. False friends starting with T - 1/3 (364 candidates)
    117. Start of the school year (380 candidates)
    118. Adjectives : autumn 1/2 (795 candidates)
    119. School stuff (174256 candidates)
    120. Indefinite articles: a - an (7689 candidates)

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