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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (1973 tests)

    1141. French past conditional (114560 candidates)
    1142. Dictée audio : Son ON et le son EN (34348 candidates)
    1143. Son ON et le son EN (9280 candidates)
    1144. Quelle préposition accompagne ce verbe ? (6390 candidates)
    1145. Quelques phrases simples (9582 candidates)
    1146. Maths (7660 candidates)
    1147. What are they saying? 9 (21196 candidates)
    1148. Phonetics - Find the sentences (9) (53246 candidates)
    1149. Present continuous OR Present simple? (222290 candidates)
    1150. Right tense (15758 candidates)
    1151. Savoir ou connaître. (99112 candidates)
    1152. Phonetics : Find the words 8 (17999 candidates)
    1153. What are they saying ? 8 (28057 candidates)
    1154. What are they saying ? 7 (27614 candidates)
    1155. What are they saying ? 6 (24717 candidates)
    1156. What are they saying ? / 5 (23114 candidates)
    1157. Spelled words 12 (22326 candidates)
    1158. Spelled words N°11 (25688 candidates)
    1159. Phonetics: Find the sentences 2 (45613 candidates)
    1160. Phonetics: Find the words 7 (9489 candidates)

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