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    tests by lucile83 with the online test builder (207 tests)

    121. Placement test : grammar for beginners (5896840 candidates)
    122. Future simple (383065 candidates)
    123. For, Since, During or Ago (205260 candidates)
    124. Superlative + and adjective (252946 candidates)
    125. About / about to (59526 candidates)
    126. Cruise aboard a liner (5850 candidates)
    127. Crossing the Channel 1 (1065 candidates)
    128. Crossing the Channel 2 (745 candidates)
    129. Modal : can/could (125665 candidates)
    130. Enough - quite - rather (50637 candidates)
    131. On the phone (196374 candidates)
    132. Modal: may/might (328338 candidates)
    133. On the phone (11377 candidates)
    134. Modal verb : must / have to (166931 candidates)
    135. Relative pronouns (2317 candidates)
    136. Adjectives (4655 candidates)
    137. Simple past tense/Video (32357 candidates)
    138. Relative pronoun That (89202 candidates)
    139. Expressions (video) (5440 candidates)
    140. Passive form (video) (8234 candidates)

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