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    1321. Dialogue : Aller en justice (26699 candidates)
    1322. Dialogue : Going to court of law. (59507 candidates)
    1323. FLE : À or a (41325 candidates)
    1324. Do / Make (103987 candidates)
    1325. Bilingual dialogue : What do you think about...? (22512 candidates)
    1326. Bilingual dialogue : What about going to the cinema (34986 candidates)
    1327. Mois de l'année (88674 candidates)
    1328. Food and drink (144681 candidates)
    1329. Dialogue : To book a flight (16996 candidates)
    1330. Dialogue : To book a fly (11981 candidates)
    1331. Days of the week (266365 candidates)
    1332. Ask a question (50931 candidates)
    1333. THE or NOTHING? (117933 candidates)
    1334. A / An (56583 candidates)
    1335. Spelling (23024 candidates)
    1336. La légende autour de la création du jeu d'échec (1170 candidates)
    1337. Construction d'un igloo (1547 candidates)
    1338. Bilan orthographique (40547 candidates)
    1339. Mois et saisons. (36594 candidates)
    1340. Futur anglais (147680 candidates)

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