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    tests by here4u with the online test builder (564 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    141. Vocabulary: idioms-a few vegetals 1/2 (10559 candidates)
    142. If clauses - Beginners (10466 candidates)
    143. SMS language: abbreviations and acronyms (10452 candidates)
    144. Compound adjectives (10202 candidates)
    145. Make someone do/ Be made to do (10137 candidates)
    146. Negatives and semi-negatives (10022 candidates)
    147. Vocabulary: Customer Service (9979 candidates)
    148. How to express consequence (9970 candidates)
    149. Never or Ever (9951 candidates)
    150. Too - Also - As well - Either - Not either (9933 candidates)
    151. Vocabulary: winning or losing (9924 candidates)
    152. Only, alone, lonely, by oneself, single (9795 candidates)
    153. Who's... / Whose... (9790 candidates)
    154. Finals in -y and -ie (9779 candidates)
    155. Cause and consequence (9716 candidates)
    156. -WH questions (9614 candidates)
    157. Vocabulary: we’re freezing! (9599 candidates)
    158. Bring or Take (9584 candidates)
    159. Vocabulary: DIY and hobbies... (9559 candidates)
    160. Increase your vocabulary (9427 candidates)

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