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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (848 tests)

    141. Futur (2668 candidates)
    142. Opposite words (12283 candidates)
    143. Imperative (4402 candidates)
    144. Nouns from verbs (773 candidates)
    145. Itération : volver a + infinitif (5932 candidates)
    146. Question words (16322 candidates)
    147. Correct verb (2836 candidates)
    148. Quantities (3317 candidates)
    149. Correct tense (2599 candidates)
    150. Imperative: negation (4636 candidates)
    151. Gender (2155 candidates)
    152. Prepositions (1992 candidates)
    153. Subjunctive present (1476 candidates)
    154. Adjectifs possessifs (7096 candidates)
    155. Pronoms personnels (2) (1423 candidates)
    156. Pronoms personnels (1) (6676 candidates)
    157. Ir + Gérondif (6115 candidates)
    158. Imperative (914 candidates)
    159. Road signs (5033 candidates)
    160. Spelling changes (1995 candidates)

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