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    1441. Dialogue : What will you have for breakfast? (18608 candidates)
    1442. Dialogue : At the mechanic's (24280 candidates)
    1443. Dialogue : At the mechanic's (8637 candidates)
    1444. Dialogue : At the department store (25556 candidates)
    1445. Dialogue : At the department store (103566 candidates)
    1446. Dialogue : In order to be an au-pair girl. (29339 candidates)
    1447. Dialogue : In order to be an au-pair girl (26641 candidates)
    1448. Dialogue: congratulations for your exam (83752 candidates)
    1449. Dialogue : Congratulations on your exam results! (125063 candidates)
    1450. What's the weather like? (59033 candidates)
    1451. Dialogue : What's the weather like? (16796 candidates)
    1452. Bilingual dialogue : At the dry cleaner’s (5568 candidates)
    1453. FOR (16229 candidates)
    1454. Dialogue : Phone call for an accident (33476 candidates)
    1455. Dialogue : Phone call for an accident (74569 candidates)
    1456. Dialogue : Una cita fallida (4649 candidates)
    1457. Dialogue : Message to the webmaster (4199 candidates)
    1458. Dialogue : Message au webmaster (5041 candidates)
    1459. Dialogue : un nuevo profesor (6425 candidates)
    1460. Dialogue : What do you think about...? (5998 candidates)

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