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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (1973 tests)

    1481. Dialogue : A new teacher (13103 candidates)
    1482. Dialogue (37478 candidates)
    1483. Dialogue : Arriving at a hotel (39983 candidates)
    1484. Dialogue : after a visit at the dentist's. (22232 candidates)
    1485. Dialogue : A missed appointment (5716 candidates)
    1486. Dialogue : : Applying for a job (20184 candidates)
    1487. Dialogue: Where is the station? (40650 candidates)
    1488. Bilingual dialogue : Where is the station? (8097 candidates)
    1489. Dialogue : Having a shower (21616 candidates)
    1490. Dialogue : Buying shoes (50149 candidates)
    1491. Dialogue : A new teacher (21361 candidates)
    1492. Dialogue : Do you go and ride? (11545 candidates)
    1493. Dialogue : Applying for a job (19710 candidates)
    1494. Dialogue : Going to the museum (14441 candidates)
    1495. Dialogue : What to do on Saturday night? (16067 candidates)
    1496. Present - verbs du 2nd group (69111 candidates)
    1497. Texte audio à 2 vitesses n°2 (1975 candidates)
    1498. Texte audio à 2 vitesses n°1 (4284 candidates)
    1499. Dialogue : Booking places in a train. (12227 candidates)
    1500. Dialogue : The dinner is ready (28593 candidates)

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