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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (628 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    181. Some, any (44594 candidates)
    182. Emphatic use of do (43954 candidates)
    183. Dialogue : In the garden (43792 candidates)
    184. To be (42628 candidates)
    185. Clothes and fashion (41947 candidates)
    186. Animals (41611 candidates)
    187. Preterit be+ing (41163 candidates)
    188. Prepositions of time (41035 candidates)
    189. Understanding the past tense (40831 candidates)
    190. Gone or been? (40731 candidates)
    191. Dialogue: Where is the station? (40650 candidates)
    192. Human skeleton (40645 candidates)
    193. Jobs - Vocabulary (40597 candidates)
    194. Numbers from 11 to 20 (40223 candidates)
    195. Return thanks (40138 candidates)
    196. Dialogue : Talking about the age and birthday (40109 candidates)
    197. Dialogue : Arriving at a hotel (39983 candidates)
    198. Dialogue : An informal conversation between 2 friends (39721 candidates)
    199. Cooking : Verbs - adjectives (39484 candidates)
    200. Be / have / do (39428 candidates)

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