tests by carlabice47 with the online test builder (62 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
21. Should or Would (2544 candidates)
22. Non-hyphenated compound words (2516 candidates)
23. Ways of walking (2304 candidates)
24. To take and particles (2256 candidates)
25. Food idioms (2253 candidates)
26. Good or Well (2192 candidates)
27. Expressions (2089 candidates)
28. Colloquialism, assonances and alliterations (2008 candidates)
29. Ordinal Numbers Idioms (2000 candidates)
30. Tricky plurals (1889 candidates)
31. Dairy products (1803 candidates)
32. Ways of jumping (1717 candidates)
33. Remember or remind (1596 candidates)
34. Lie or lay (1586 candidates)
35. Collective nouns (1547 candidates)
36. Colloquial- common adjectives (1516 candidates)
37. Synonyms of the adjective Rich (1471 candidates)
38. Ways of Dressing (1395 candidates)
39. To ring and its synonyms (1326 candidates)
40. Idioms with the word Way (1257 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
21. Should or Would (2544 candidates)
22. Non-hyphenated compound words (2516 candidates)
23. Ways of walking (2304 candidates)
24. To take and particles (2256 candidates)
25. Food idioms (2253 candidates)
26. Good or Well (2192 candidates)
27. Expressions (2089 candidates)
28. Colloquialism, assonances and alliterations (2008 candidates)
29. Ordinal Numbers Idioms (2000 candidates)
30. Tricky plurals (1889 candidates)
31. Dairy products (1803 candidates)
32. Ways of jumping (1717 candidates)
33. Remember or remind (1596 candidates)
34. Lie or lay (1586 candidates)
35. Collective nouns (1547 candidates)
36. Colloquial- common adjectives (1516 candidates)
37. Synonyms of the adjective Rich (1471 candidates)
38. Ways of Dressing (1395 candidates)
39. To ring and its synonyms (1326 candidates)
40. Idioms with the word Way (1257 candidates)
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