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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (848 tests)

    21. Correct tense/Sequence of tenses (402 candidates)
    22. Derived adjectives (303 candidates)
    23. Preterite (595 candidates)
    24. Interrogative words (543 candidates)
    25. Por/Para (685 candidates)
    26. Antonyms (adjectives) (370 candidates)
    27. Gender of nouns (412 candidates)
    28. Diminutives (263 candidates)
    29. Present Indicative (regular verbs) (1036 candidates)
    30. Por/Para (751 candidates)
    31. Items and furniture of the house (2) (598 candidates)
    32. Rooms, furniture and items of the house (1) (571 candidates)
    33. Ser or Estar (1178 candidates)
    34. Imperative (positive and negative forms) (505 candidates)
    35. Plural of nouns (336 candidates)
    36. Synonyms (516 candidates)
    37. Past Participle (473 candidates)
    38. Pronoms personnels (597 candidates)
    39. Prepositions (546 candidates)
    40. Preterite or Imperfect tense (1135 candidates)

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