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    These tests : French tests All
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    tests by lucile83 with the online test builder (207 tests)

    21. Do or Make? (86276 candidates)
    22. Some and any (145711 candidates)
    23. Tenses and actions (196960 candidates)
    24. Adverbs of degree (72726 candidates)
    25. Present simple (170434 candidates)
    26. Apostrophe + s (video) (79367 candidates)
    27. Find the mistakes (31606 candidates)
    28. Present or past conditional ? (7949 candidates)
    29. Put the words in the right order (2673 candidates)
    30. Adjectives (1199196 candidates)
    31. For,since and ago (202511 candidates)
    32. Right tense (4856 candidates)
    33. Complete the sentences with the right answer (5923 candidates)
    34. Since or for (7487 candidates)
    35. Right tense (4975 candidates)
    36. Infinitive proposition (21243 candidates)
    37. Some abbreviations (1037 candidates)
    38. Put the words in order (2933 candidates)
    39. Question Tags (3023 candidates)
    40. Comparative of superiority (425750 candidates)

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