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    tests by matrixhamdi with the online test builder (65 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    21. Can/Could (23932 candidates)
    22. Famous cities (22800 candidates)
    23. Feelings (22346 candidates)
    24. Continents and oceans (19723 candidates)
    25. Adverbs of place (18895 candidates)
    26. Means of transportation (18729 candidates)
    27. Sports (17258 candidates)
    28. Wild animals (16755 candidates)
    29. Mass Media (15426 candidates)
    30. Enrich a discussion (14219 candidates)
    31. Peter and his family (13068 candidates)
    32. The Old Man and The Sea by E.Hemingway (11567 candidates)
    33. 'A Farewell to Arms ' by E. Hemingway (9867 candidates)
    34. For, during and while (8828 candidates)
    35. Demonstrative words (8259 candidates)
    36. Adverbs of time (7094 candidates)
    37. Expressions with to take (6466 candidates)
    38. Instruments and musicians (5691 candidates)
    39. Expressions with to look (5282 candidates)
    40. My friend (5025 candidates)

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