tests by sidou77 with the online test builder (36 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
21. Actions and processes (2445 candidates)
22. Modal verbs (2259 candidates)
23. Word building (2100 candidates)
24. Idioms with 'heart' (1445 candidates)
25. Decide which word best completes each sentence. (1435 candidates)
26. Idioms with 'hand' (1430 candidates)
27. Idioms with 'eyes' (1260 candidates)
28. Time clauses (1233 candidates)
29. Town and country (1226 candidates)
30. Finding Objects (1046 candidates)
31. What about diamonds ? (1040 candidates)
32. Sentences with 'strong' (831 candidates)
33. Right word (801 candidates)
34. Expressions with 'man' (712 candidates)
35. Proverbs (697 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
21. Actions and processes (2445 candidates)
22. Modal verbs (2259 candidates)
23. Word building (2100 candidates)
24. Idioms with 'heart' (1445 candidates)
25. Decide which word best completes each sentence. (1435 candidates)
26. Idioms with 'hand' (1430 candidates)
27. Idioms with 'eyes' (1260 candidates)
28. Time clauses (1233 candidates)
29. Town and country (1226 candidates)
30. Finding Objects (1046 candidates)
31. What about diamonds ? (1040 candidates)
32. Sentences with 'strong' (831 candidates)
33. Right word (801 candidates)
34. Expressions with 'man' (712 candidates)
35. Proverbs (697 candidates)
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