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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (848 tests)

    201. Indicative Present : Bengal cat (17987 candidates)
    202. Mucho, demasiado, poco (5921 candidates)
    203. Do and Make (6703 candidates)
    204. Personal pronouns (3138 candidates)
    205. Quantities (7399 candidates)
    206. Personal pronouns (9633 candidates)
    207. Gerund (2996 candidates)
    208. Pretérito perfecto (27260 candidates)
    209. Imperative (4214 candidates)
    210. Irregular verbs (1348 candidates)
    211. Vanilla (3381 candidates)
    212. Adjetivos posesivos átonos o débiles (5219 candidates)
    213. Infinitive (1603 candidates)
    214. Present (80927 candidates)
    215. Adjectif verbal ou participe présent (47604 candidates)
    216. Logical replies (3606 candidates)
    217. Imperative (32812 candidates)
    218. Relative pronouns (4678 candidates)
    219. Find the noun (2400 candidates)
    220. Synonyms (1826 candidates)

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