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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (628 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    261. Plural (27783 candidates)
    262. What are they saying ? 7 (27591 candidates)
    263. Dialogue : I would like to book a room. (27110 candidates)
    264. Dialogue : Talking about your family (27105 candidates)
    265. Subjunctive (27095 candidates)
    266. Useful idioms (26973 candidates)
    267. Suppose (26961 candidates)
    268. On the phone (26938 candidates)
    269. Geometry - Vocabulary (26782 candidates)
    270. Comparatives/Superlatives (26754 candidates)
    271. Pronunciation (26298 candidates)
    272. If - If only- I wish ... (26260 candidates)
    273. Whose / of which (25696 candidates)
    274. If clause (25662 candidates)
    275. Spelled words N°11 (25641 candidates)
    276. Dialogue : Having a shower (25618 candidates)
    277. Dialogue : At the department store (25505 candidates)
    278. Dialogue : At the hairdresser's (25214 candidates)
    279. Urban area (25083 candidates)
    280. My bedroom (24925 candidates)

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